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True 'Family' values: Supporting both deep thought and gays

by Jeremy Hooper

Here's "Family Guy" creator and star Seth MacFarlane, as quoted in the 2/26/08 issue of The Advocate:

ADVOCATE: What inspired Family Guy’s season 4 gay marriage episode “You May Now Kiss the…Uh…Guy Who Receives,” in which Brian’s flamboyant cousin Jasper visits with his Filipino boyfriend?
Picture 14-63MACFARLANE: A couple of years prior I had teamed up to write a pilot with two writers, both of whom were gay. One of them said that when he travels through the Midwest with his partner they have to go through this fucking dog and pony act when they stop at a hotel and the guy behind the counter says, “You want one room or two?” They have this charade where they’ll say to each other, “Is one room OK with you?” “Yeah, I’m cool with that if you are.” “Yeah, no big deal, we’ll just take one.” That was one of many conversations I had with them where I thought to myself, Why is it that Johnny Spaghetti Stain in fucking Georgia can knock a woman up, legally be married to her, and then beat the shit out of her, but these two intelligent, sophisticated writers who have been together for 20 years can’t get married? It’s infuriating and idiotic. I’m incredibly passionate about my support for the gay community and what they’re dealing with at this current point in time. I have arguments with people where I get red in the face, screaming at the top of my lungs.

And now here's Seth MacFarlane's latest role, as determined by Entertainment Weekly magazine:


Score another brain for our side's highly encephalized trust!

Seth MacFarlane named the smartest person in TV [AP via Google]

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Your thoughts

Just so Johnny SStain will feel even better... Here is link to 'PROTECT MARRIAGE (outlaw Divorce) video...

which is promoting a petition by ABalliet of' 'Join the Impact' to do just that...

There now...doesn't everyone feel better?

Posted by: LOrion | Dec 3, 2008 2:29:39 PM

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