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Uhm...you're welcome, I guess
An email with this subject line just came into our inbox:
It's unclear whether it was the time we referred to them as "indefatigable extremists for whose anti-gay bias there is no antidote," the day we said they are "frighteningly focused zealots who will ban, burn, or boycott anything that so much as farts in a gay-friendly manner," or when we branded them as "the oil to reasoned progress' vinegar" for which the AFA is most thankful. But we're sure that for them, our criticism are like their children -- it's hard for them to choose their favorite (heterosexual) one!
Your thoughts
Are you sure they sent this to you on purpose? The only explanation I can think of is that it was intended for someone else.
Posted by: Craig J. Mulligan | Dec 3, 2008 5:40:14 PM
That's hilarious! I just received that same email, thought the exact same thing, deleted it, and came here to read that headline!
Of course, the only reason I get the stupid AFA action alert is so I can comment on their dumb "news" service - One News Now or whatever it is.
Posted by: Daniel | Dec 3, 2008 6:04:58 PM
I tend to ignore most of the AFA emails except if they punch a particular hot button issue with me. During the run up to the election they were punching the button like crazy.
And so glad (or sorry) to hear about the layoffs. Ha!
Posted by: Tony P | Dec 3, 2008 8:11:07 PM
You sure do turn a phrase. "frighteningly focused zealots who will ban, burn, or boycott anything that so much as farts in a gay-friendly manner," My favorite of the three provided.
Posted by: Houston | Dec 3, 2008 9:34:21 PM
This is typical AFA - they don't moniter e-mail sent through their site. I've sent opposing "viewpoints" through their site many times and have received many "thanks."
Posted by: Dale | Dec 4, 2008 12:03:50 AM
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