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Video: Crist-mass protest
It was a bonafide protest-a-palooza at Florida governor Charlie Crist's 12/12 wedding. On one hand, you had pro-equality demonstrators peacefully pushing the governor to do the right thing and support marriage for everyone:
Then, on another hand, you also had the crazy street preacher contingent on site to toss around the word "sodomite." Because, ya know, it's not a wack-pie affair unless that set puts in an appearance:
And then of course there were the actual wedding guests, like Fox News host Geraldo Rivera, who simply wanted to toast the couple without giving a mere thought to the guv's queer stance on equality for all:
So all in all, it seems to have been the wedding of any little girl's absurdist dreams! Something old, something new, something borrowed, and something WTF?!
The Crist-Rome broom-jumping was the second wedding for both bride and groom, yet the first where they actually had soundproof the room in order to get through the "does anyone object to these two getting married" part of the ceremony.
Protestors Target Florida Governor Crist's 'Traditional' Wedding [Towle]
Your thoughts
Congratulations, Charlie! You may now kiss the beard...er, bride.
Posted by: Bill S | Dec 15, 2008 11:39:35 AM
I'm lost. Why are they chanting "Charlie Crist is a Murderer"? Or am I mishearing things? (First loonie video, towards the end.)
I thought the protest was about his marriage hypocrisy?
Posted by: Willie Hewes | Dec 15, 2008 1:31:06 PM
I can only hope it is a short marriage due to Crist's infidelity with another man. That would be priceless.
That said, I'm getting sick and fucking tired of preachers in churches and on the street saying we chose to be gay. We didn't chose it you asswipes.
Not only that, as an atheist I don't believe any of it. They've been saying that it's the end times for the past few thousand years. Yet we're still here and kicking.
Posted by: Tony P | Dec 15, 2008 6:15:58 PM
Fuck crist and his wedding! Fuck the breeders saying how it's "sad" that he can't have "privacy"!!! If someone wants to deny us our civil rights, they sure as hell will pay the price!
And the preacher...we all already know he's a delusional son of a bitch.
Posted by: TheRadicalRealist | Dec 15, 2008 7:44:54 PM
@ TheRadicalRealist -- moar liek TheRadicalStereotype. Do you really expect to get anywhere with that attitude, calling people breeders? This attitude is to the gay movement what the outdated anti-pornography bra-burning gals were to the feminist movement.
Posted by: Chris | Dec 16, 2008 6:37:52 PM
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