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Video: The most offensive laugh ever heard

by Jeremy Hooper

Ann Curry has interviewed Rick Warren for a "Dateline" episode that will air tomorrow night. Here's a snippet:

Our marriages inflict pain on people. Our cries against intolerance are laugh out loud funny. Water and donuts prove that one is not anti-gay.

We're not sure if we're offended more as gays, Democrats, or intellectuals!

Warren insists he’s not homophobic: I served ‘water and donuts’ to gay people.» [Think Progress]

**Our complete roundup of the Warren fiasco

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Your thoughts

If something was wrong for 5000 years, it's still wrong. Only recently have LGBT stood up for themselves, against the hate machine that has been motoring along for 5000 years of misery pain and death.

I loathe Rick Warren more and more with each passing minute and entry I read.

Posted by: John Ozed | Dec 18, 2008 1:22:58 PM

Sorry, Jeremy, but no one believes that you oppose gay marriage bans; Hilary Rosen, HRC, and other gay Democrats made it clear that you don't.


What this is all about is attacking someone who is white, male, religious, and not a reliable Democrat Party voter. Otherwise, 'twouldn't be a problem.

Posted by: North Dallas Thirty | Dec 18, 2008 1:52:56 PM

"Sorry, Jeremy, but no one believes that you oppose gay marriage bans; Hilary Rosen, HRC, and other gay Democrats made it clear that you don't"

In a word: "HUH?!"

Posted by: G-A-Y | Dec 18, 2008 1:55:44 PM

Well I guess as long it was water and DONUTS, then its ok. If it was just water or, even worse, bread and water then that would have been bad. Ummm donuts.

for the snark impaired ... /snark

Posted by: Tulle | Dec 18, 2008 1:59:33 PM


I agree with the above (see the link) response by Obama.
I am totally for gay rights and I did not personally vote for Obama.

Did you fault Obama for associating himself with certain people? I would like to ask you, did you scream about Rev Wright on your site? "Known terrorists" as the extreme right was saying.
Or were you "open minded" and realized that he may not necessarily share the same beliefs as some of the people he associates with? I am curious.

I guess my point is that especially with "the left" there is a real double standard. You expect people to be more open minded about certain beliefs but you yourself can not do the same sometimes.

I do understand the implications of asking Pastor Warren to speak and I also understand why it may raise flags from your perspective.

I do not however understand the total lack of ability to see this in another light - a non-confrontational light.

Posted by: | Dec 18, 2008 2:07:59 PM

Anon: First off, we have already posted Obama's words in full. As a video:


Yes, we have both faulted and applauded Obama on any and everything since we first learned his name way back in the day. This is a MAJOR fault, and we will not make even the first apology about being "confrontational" on this. Sorry.

There is no "double standard here. We have long criticized the right for getting in bed with people who do things like compare gay couples to incestuous ones. Now we are doing the same with the left. The issue is not really a partisan one: It is a HUMAN one.

The"intolerant left" meme might be an easy one to regurgitate, but it does not apply here.

Posted by: G-A-Y | Dec 18, 2008 2:15:52 PM

Fucktard doesn't even get it that Judaism begat Christianity since Christ himself was a Jew, and then Islam took the worst of Judaism and Christianity when Mohammed and his sidekick Al'Lah got together.

Posted by: Tony P | Dec 18, 2008 3:06:16 PM

Funny to see the freepers feeling justified in calling you (& us) hypocrites. I can't help but wonder if these fucktards would feel the same if their relationships were compared to incest or child rape...

I mean, it's not like statistics show that the majority of child molesters are straight men...oh wait THEY ARE!

Posted by: john ozed | Dec 18, 2008 6:26:32 PM

Oops, forgot to sign that last post.

Posted by: North Dallas Thirty | Dec 18, 2008 9:53:10 PM

In a word: "HUH?!"

I don't believe I stuttered.


What this is all about is attacking someone who is white, male, religious, and not a reliable Democrat Party voter. Otherwise, 'twouldn't be a problem, as that example makes clear; Hilary Rosen and her fellow liberal gay people have no problem whatsoever with bans on gay marriage.

"I can't help but wonder if these fucktards would feel the same if their relationships were compared to incest or child rape..."

Ever think it was because the gay community demands marriage for sibling relationships and "households with more than one conjugal partner".....


and also considers sex with children seventeen years younger than they are to be something normal and "common".....


while arguing that dressing children as sexual slaves and taking them to a sex fair to "show off" constitutes an "educational experience", and that anyone who opposes this is "close-minded"?


Posted by: | Dec 18, 2008 9:53:14 PM

No, you didn't stutter, lame channeler of a "Breakfast Club" character. You did, however, falsely accuse this writer of being somehow supportive of gay marriage bans, which is about as ridiculous as using a snarky Judd Nelson reference in the year 2008.

All I take from your thoughts is that it would seem time to reinstate the "no response to any comments from North Dallas Thirty" policy. I knew better than to ever engage you, a notorious shit stirrer who enjoys being provocative just for the sake of provocation. It's really so silly, your role in this here blogosphere.

Posted by: G-A-Y | Dec 18, 2008 10:07:07 PM

Falsely, Jeremy?

Do we really need to repeat your fawning paean to Hilary Rosen today in order to demonstrate how both you and she fully support and endorse gay marriage bans when it helps your beloved Democrats?


Or are we suddenly going to change the rules midstream and state that supporting a politician who supports marriage bans doesn't mean that you support marriage bans?

"I knew better than to ever engage you, a notorious shit stirrer who enjoys being provocative just for the sake of provocation. It's really so silly, your role in this here blogosphere."

Mmmm, yes, it's so terribly provocative to call out and condemn the behavior of gays who prey on teenagers, who call for plural and sibling marriage to be recognized, and who take toddlers dressed in dog collars to sex fairs to "show off". After all, this attitude of "I'm OK, you're OK, and anyone who criticizes anything you do is intolerant and wrong" has had such spectacular success in curbing the AIDS epidemic and drug abuse among gay men.

Posted by: North Dallas Thirty | Dec 18, 2008 10:48:29 PM

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