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Video: Violent buds stem from 'pro-family' roots

by Jeremy Hooper

It's a double-edged sword, this public debate over marriage equality. On one hand, you have lots of images of love, peace, and equality being broadcast to an international audience, giving modern youth a portrait of queer normalcy that few of us were fortunate enough to have known during our 20th century pre-adulthoods. But on the other hand, you have the anti-gay nastiness also being highlighted, which other young folks see as giving them a pass to say things like this:

Whether they admit it or not (and they most certainly won't), this is the fallout from anti-gay rhetoric. Calling it "pro-family" doesn't make it so. The truth is that our movement, even in its most intensely absorbed form, is working towards the peaceful day when we will render our form of activism unnecessary. Their movement, in its fiercest form, is also working for a day when our activism won't be around -- but unfortunately that's because in their dream, we won't be around to advocate for anything.

We talk lots about using legislation to protect LGBT people from hate crimes. But the number one way we could truly reduce such violence would be for more people in positions of prominence and power to speak out against those who pass off bias as a "family value"!

Zach Debating About GAY MARRIAGE and GAYS [YouTube]

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