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Video: We get hurt, we get pissed, we get mad-dow

by Jeremy Hooper


A little too much of a pass from Gavin, if you ask us. Maybe when he hears that Rick Warren doesn't want gays to exist in any active form, then he'll stand up a little more staunchly in opposition to this "political mistake." It is, after all, human lives we are talking about. Accomplished lives and loves like Rachel's.

Rachel Maddow [MSNBC]

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Your thoughts

I love Rachel and I was so 'happy' to see her reporting on this. And yes, a little too much Gavin.

Posted by: John Ozed | Dec 19, 2008 10:52:22 AM

Oh Gavin Newsom, I actually concur. I do hold out hope that what Obama does while in office will reaffirm my faith in him. I do want to see these issues flayed and examined. I do hold out hope that Prop 8, Rick Warren, and whatever else is looming on the horizon will be the events that make the GLBT community stand up, band together, and loudly refuse to be marginalized from here on out.

I'm proud of the gay community too. I'm also glad that, as much as we love Obama and want him in office, we aren't going to let him get away with sacrificing one group to pander to another. The entire gay community is not a pawn to be compromised in the pursuit of a new and improved America. There are places where everyone needs to compromise and come together in the middle; the spectrum of civil rights is not that place. We support you President-elect Obama, but we expect you to support us back.

Posted by: L.A. Fields | Dec 19, 2008 11:26:37 AM

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