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WorldNetDaily: Media transparency's antonym

by Jeremy Hooper

Want another example of just how willing our opposition is to lie and deceive in order to make their points? Well here, check out this ittle quip from WorldNetDaily, wherein supposed post-Prop 8 "militancy" is again decried:

WND reported earlier of a pair of radio hosts who were fired, they believe, because they questioned on air a local politician's call to boycott businesses that supported Prop. 8.

"I voiced my opinion," radio host Marshall Gilbert told WND. "I voted yes on Prop. 8, and I was fired over that."
Voted for Prop 8? You're fired [WND]

Okay, so they are working the right-wing meme that says gays are getting folks fired because of their Prop 8 support -- big shocker. But the only problem with this particular attempt? Due to all credible accounts, this Marshall Gilbert was fired from his radio show not for any Prop 8 thoughts, but rather because he called Palm Springs council member Ginny Foat a murderer. That is the reason on record. And if anyone knows this, it should be WorldNetDaily, since KNWZ radio officials explictly and clearly told the socially conservative "news" outlet the facts back at the beginning of this month:

WND -12/2/08
Officials at KNWZ radio said it was Gilbert's on-air accusations of murder against Foat that triggered their decision to take action against the program and its hosts, Gilbert and Gary Stone.

John McMullen, station spokesman, told WND, "We do not allow our employees to use our airwaves, of which we are the public trustee for, to make libelous, slanderous, defamatory remarks [about an individual], whether they are a public servant or private person.

"You cannot call people outright murderers and get away with it," he said.

Gilbert said his description of Foat as a "murderer" was in the "same vein as calling O.J. [Simpson] a murderer."

"I was using a metaphor," he said.

Talk show terminated after Prop 8 discussion [WND]

Picture 28-11This is a MUCH more plausible reason for firing. However, since defamatory murder remarks hold no political capital for this far-right "news" outlet, they take it upon themselves to create their own story about the talk show host's dismissal. Never mind what the employer, the one that conducted the firing has to say about the matter. In the names of queer decrial, WND credits the pink slip as coming from set that they would surely discredit with words like "pink" and "lisp."

200812301130It's one thing to stand against a community's political ideas, campaigns, or actions. It's quite another to deliberately deceive your readers for the sake of political expediency. Even if they won't take stand against unethical bigotry in 2009, here's hoping WorldNetDaily will at least pledge to take a stand against the unethical journalism practices that have come to define their organization.

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Your thoughts

But, you see, it's all right to lie if you're lying for Jesus. Jesus would agree. He would. Really.

(people who lobby for the ten commandments to be put up everywhere don't often seem to pay much attention to them)

Posted by: Celia the lurker | Dec 30, 2008 12:32:50 PM

World Net Daily is such a right wing lunatic website. They are very anti-gay yet one of their columnists, Matt Sanchez, is a former gay porn star who use to go by the name Rod Majors.

Posted by: Josh | Dec 30, 2008 5:49:30 PM

it's a wonder that any of these right-wingers even know what a metaphor is

Posted by: Theo | Jan 2, 2009 9:12:03 AM

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