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Andy, you have an unlikely fan
Want more proof that our opposition reads gay blogs? Well here, check this out. This is a blurb that appears on the Liberty Counsel's anti-gay website:
But look what happens when you highlight the last link, the one to the Huckabee/Staver interview. Check out the addy that pops up (in grey footer bar):
Yes, that's right -- the source code shows that whoever posted this link did so after first following Towleroad's link to the video. That means an LC staffer had to first check out Andy's unabashed brand of gayness before making their way to their own site to report back.
So keep it up, bloggy brethren. These folks are listening, even if they pretend like they're not!!
Link appears here [LC]
Your thoughts
Clever. I like it.
Posted by: Timothy (TRiG) | Jan 29, 2009 2:23:11 PM
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