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Blame the victim: Bunk 'defamation' group adds insult to discrim-injury

by Jeremy Hooper

In a newly issued Top 10 list, Dr. Gary Cass of something called the Christian Anti-Defamation Commission has named the "Radical Homosexuals Assault[ing] Prop 8 Marriage Supporters in California" as the "Top Instance of Christian Bashing in America, 2008":

INSTANCE #1: Radical Homosexuals Assault Prop 8 Marriage Supporters in California

During and after the November campaign stories flooded in of pro-Prop 8 signs being taken, people verbally and physically assaulted, church property and private automobiles vandalized, and person's jobs and pastor's lives threatened simply for exercising their right to campaign and vote in support of traditional marriage.

Top Ten Instances of Christian Bashing in America, 2008 [Christian Newswire]

200901051446Which is kind of like Santa Claus leaving a steaming pile of Rudolph's droppings in your stocking, and then putting you on next year's naughty list because your reaction was less than jolly. Except, of course, instead of reindeer poo, these poor "victimized" Christians left gays and lesbians with a steaming pile of bigotry where their equal civil rights should be. That's way worse.

It's unclear what other thrilling countdowns we can expect from Dr. Cass in 2009. Though judging by his demonstrated inability to accurately assess situations, it would seem April 1 is the only day of the year his outlooks might actually jibe with reality.

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Your thoughts

Wow, they are so tranparent

I also liked instance #4, where they clame that anti-discrimination laws that include sexual orientation are "christian-bashing".

Posted by: Kamikapse | Jan 5, 2009 5:26:22 PM

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