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Dan saddles up for more Savage mischief

by Jeremy Hooper

200901181944Oh that cheeky, internet meme-loving Dan Savage. Back in the deepest pit of the Bushian well, the gay rights activist/writer/sex columnist coined a novel new definition for the last name of a certain former senator:

(*WARNING: Not safe for some appetites) santorum [Spreading Santorum]

But now, with Santorum in history's rear (teehee!) and Rick Warren in the gay "culture war" headlines, Dan is asking folks to help him come up with the perfect definition for "Saddleback," the name of Rick Warren's home church. Go check out Dan's site at The Stranger for the seven bawdy finalists:

Saddlebacked [The Stranger]

We're thinking #3.

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Your thoughts

I really liked number 2, "Why did Obama allow Warren to saddleback him into officiating at his inauguration?" That has a real "keeper" ring to it. "You saddlebacking bullies! Just leave us alone!" Or "Saddlebacking them into submission for Jesus! Hallelujah!"

#3 and #5 are pretty close, and both could be used by to describe those fundie girls who allow their horny boyfriends to "saddleback around" their abstinence pledges.

Posted by: Dick Mills | Jan 18, 2009 9:46:05 PM

I vote for 5

Posted by: Alonzo | Jan 18, 2009 10:07:02 PM

I voted for #5 - it seems the most likely to hit usage, and it's the perfect union of hypocrisy.

Posted by: Ordinary Girl | Jan 19, 2009 12:17:31 AM

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