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Fighting for marriage during Bush years -- an apt headline for two diff. generations
We certainly haven't fulfilled the "half the states within twenty years" prediction. However, it is interesting to look back at 1989 and see what we have accomplished in the subsequent two decades, as well as that which has remained woefully the same:
Just think of all we could have accomplished in twenty wars had we not been forced to paused our lives to fight this unnecessary battle. We could've harnessed our energy to true social ills like poverty and homelessness. Maybe focused a little more time and capital on healthcare if we weren't as concerned about protecting our own families basic rights and needs. Perhaps we would've been able to advise Chevy Chase on choosing some better film projects. Hell, we could've possibly even worked with religious conservatives to do some truly moral work (like, for instance, keeping Chevy out of Cops and Robbersons). But instead, it was more important to this government and its people to foster bias than it was to nurture a peaceful idea like fairness. And rather than do the thing that could stop us from being angry -- GRANT US CIVIL RIGHTS -- it was more important for some key players to simply attack gays for being "militant."
Society: You think maybe we can end this ridiculous "culture war" before twenty more years pass us by and we're dealing with it again under Twin Presidents Jenna & Barbara Bush?
And Chevy: You think maybe we can get a Christmas Vacation 2 by 2010?
ACT UP: Marriage License Bureau Protest, WCBS-TV [YouTube]
(H/t: Knucklecrack)
*More nostalgic ACT UP videos, all courtesy of Youtuber akmedia: