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Video: Actors. Equity.

by Jeremy Hooper

Gays have supported the Broadway. Broadway has supported the gays. Now that mutual show-'mo admiration is turning to the fight for marriage equality:

Broadway Impact

A perfect union! We politically active folks need to expand our ally base, and this is an energized community who understands the meaning of the same. Plus, with the economy in the crapper, lots of actors have more time on their hands than they might like. What better way to keep those acting muscles flexed than to delve into the pretend world in which marriage is under "attack," children need to be "protected," and people are branded as "militant" if they simply stand up for the "radical" idea that they are equal?

So learn the blocking and get familiar with the Props: Whether celebrated thespian or everyday lesbian, the stage is set for us to change the script both here in NY and abroad. Curtain up -- fight the good fight.

**And don't forget that on Feb 23, a star-studded NYC event will continue this perfect marriage of the Great White Way and the Great, Right Way To Conduct A Fair Society.


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