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Video: P2son 'Ex-plains'

by Jeremy Hooper

- Your Saturdays are very precious to you, and so you don't want to spend even one of them protesting for the rights of which you've been denied

- So that you don't have to go see really bad films just because they happen to be "gay movies" and you feel a responsibility to support them.

- Because you hold a deep disdain for the red-orange-yellow-green-blue-purple color combination.

- When it comes to wedding gifts, you much prefer blenders to unreasoned condemnations.

We have our own suspicions as to why we think an LGBT person might be duped into wanting to "change" their sexuality. Peterson Toscano, a bona fide "ex-gay" survivor, will now tell us the reasons that led him to embrace the stealthily queer-hostile movement:

Why Did I Go Ex-Gay??? [Peterson Toscano's A Musing]

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Your thoughts

Sorry it took so long for him to find out. better late than never!

Posted by: John Ozed | Jan 12, 2009 9:56:55 AM

He spoke of honesty, and it felt pretty honest. It came at a bad time. Last Thursday, I heard that an acquaintance was told by his church that they love him, but he must leave or become straight. I'm still almost speechless.

Peterson did have some concerns that will happen no matter what. Being old and alone? Many people lose a spouse and their children deserve a life of their own, and might very well be too busy to keep an aging parent company all of the time. As far as losing some family and friends, that happened to me, but I gained myself.

Posted by: Mike in the Tundra | Jan 12, 2009 10:11:10 AM

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