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Video: The speech of which we were Robbedinsoned

by Jeremy Hooper

A video of the unaired Robinson speech has surfaced, courtesy of Christianity Today magazine:

But while we are glad to finally see the thing, the mystery/frustration over why HBO didn't air it has done that proverbial thickening thing that plots often do. That's because in a post to AfterElton, writer Michael Jensen indicates that the decision seems to have been made more by the inaugural team, less by the network:

Contacted Sunday night by AfterElton.com concerning the exclusion of Robinson's prayer, HBO said via email, "The producer of the concert has said that the Presidential Inaugural Committee made the decision to keep the invocation as part of the pre-show."

Uncertain as to whether or not that meant that HBO was contractually prevented from airing the pre-show, we followed up, but none of the spokespeople available Sunday night could answer that question with absolute certainty.

However, it does seem that the network's position is that they had nothing to do with the decision.
Developing: HBO says they aren't to blame for not including Gene Robinson in concert special [AE]

Ugh. Don't they know we gays have to focus our annoyed sensors towards tomorrow's Warren appearance? Why the need to invoke another distraction at a time like this? Can't a would-be, should-be, could-be hope-filled community get a break, Team Obama?

Consequently, we have now said our own prayer regarding our ability to get through the next two days with less drama than a graduate student production of Hedda Gabler performed outside during a lightning storm. Wish us luck.

Gene Robinson's Prayer Kicks off Inaugural Events [YouTube]
**EARLIER: Curb Your Pro-Gay Enthusiasm: HBO shows no Big Love to Robinson speech [G-A-Y]

**UPDATE: Leah McElrath Renna has obtained another quote from HBO:

"HBO had no involvement in the scheduling of those who appeared as part of the televised event. You'll have to talk to PIC (Presidential Inaugural Committee) about all of the scheduling decisions. We had a set broadcast time and went forth accordingly."
Obama PIC Made Decision Not to Televise Bishop Robinson [HuffPo]

**UPDATE2: Winding down one invocation controversy so that we can focus on the other [G-A-Y]

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Your thoughts

I just saw on Americablog that HBO is claiming ownership of the inauguration broadcast.

Posted by: RainbowPhoenix | Jan 19, 2009 1:29:58 PM

RainbowPhoenix: Yea, I just read the latest at Americablog...


...and I'm not sure how I feel about it. Joe seems to be blaming HBO for picking a fight with the inaugural committee. However, the latest word on this still belongs to AfterElton, who puts the blame more on the inaugural committee than the network. There's still a lot that is unclear here.

Posted by: G-A-Y | Jan 19, 2009 1:36:28 PM

True, but HBO's attempts to claim ownership suggests they share more blaim than we first thought.

Posted by: RainbowPhoenix | Jan 19, 2009 1:57:21 PM

How much more is it going to take before people realize that we can not trust Barack Obama.

Posted by: libhomo | Jan 20, 2009 7:46:37 PM

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