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Warren peace: A positive inaugural step from Team Obama
This from HRC:
WASHINGTON – The Right Rev. V. Gene Robinson, bishop of the U.S. Episcopal Church in the diocese of New Hampshire has accepted an invitation from President-elect Barack Obama’s inaugural committee to deliver the invocation at a concert held at the Lincoln Memorial. The concert, which will be held on Sunday, January 18th, is the first inaugural event the president-elect will attend. Bishop Robinson, the first openly gay priest to be ordained bishop by a major Christian denomination, is a member of the Human Rights Campaign Religion Council.
“Bishop Robinson models what prayer should be—spiritual reflection put into action for justice,” said Human Rights Campaign President Joe Solmonese. “It is encouraging that the president-elect has chosen this spiritual hero for all Americans to lead the nation in prayer at the Lincoln Memorial inaugural concert.”
Right Rev. Gene Robinson to Deliver Invocation for Inaugural Concert at Lincoln Memorial [HRC]
Now, does this make up for the Rick Warren misstep? No, not in our eyes. The equality fight is not a zero sum game wherein every pro-equality voice should be matched with one who has, among many other things, said gays should just bottle up their truths.
But is this an undeniable positive? Abso-religo-lutely! And we applaud Team Obama for the invite.