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Your fear mongering sucks, 'cock
In a new piece for WorldNetDaily, conservative somebody Roger Hedgecock (teehee) sets out to prove this basic argument:
"If Barack Obama successfully translates his campaign rhetoric into law, 2009 will be the year homosexuality becomes a civil right."
2009: 'Gay' rights over all [WND]
We reply:
Yo, Rog 'cock: Believe it or not, we already have the 'civil right' to be homosexuals. Seriously. We're not joking. We know it might be shocking to those who swim in the waters of unscrupulous gay antipathy, but the basic right to exist as an LGBT person is not something for which we are still fighting. Been there, done that, got the insane laws stricken from the books.
But if you mean to say that 2009 is the year that we gays will obtain the fair and reasoned civil rights that we are seeking (marriage equality, ENDA, hate crimes protections, etc,) -- well, then from your mouth to lawmakers' ears, brother! That would, after all, be both civil and right.
So here, let us reframe your thesis, Rog. We would say: If Barack Obama successfully translates his campaign rhetoric into the sort of 'change' from which this country could truly benefit, 2009 will be the year that the far-right becomes civilized. But of course, Rog-out-with-your-'cock-out, until folks like yourself decide to inaugurate an accepting worldview into your minds' oval offices, we gays will gays will have to hold onto to that other Obama mantra: hope.
Your thoughts
Roger Hedgecock used to be an inclusive public official (former county supervisor and mayor of San Diego), but as soon as he became a radio talk show host and political commentator he started to be more regressive in his views.
Its quite a shame, if he was inclusive he could of been maybe US Senator by now.
Posted by: Matt Munson | Jan 5, 2009 5:26:22 PM
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