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A D, F maybe: The grade we'd consider if judging their constitutional fairness aptitude

by Jeremy Hooper

Every so often, the Arizona-based Alliance Defense Fund (or A Lie In Defiance of Fun, as we affectionally call them), will pop up in New York with another attempt to undermine the Empire State's laws regarding gays and their rights to 200902031057be treated as human beings. Lately the state's ability and desire to recognize out-of-state same-sex marriages has been the ADF's big enchilada (or bagel, more appropriately), with the law firm trying unsuccessfully in several courts to have the practice halted. They keep trying, the judges keep saying "nope," and we keep wondering when they'll just accept defeat and move on to the other equally unrighteous endeavors on their homo-hostile docket, like denying gays the right to adopt or remain gainfully employed.

Well if a new story in the NY Law Journal is to be believed, we New Yorkers still have some time to wait before the ADF is All Done For. In fact, the legal beagles seem to have plenty more tickets to Albany International Airport already booked:

Despite a continuing series of legal setbacks, Brian W. Raum said he believes he is closer than ever to getting advocates of same-sex marriage right where he wants them: before the New York Court of Appeals.
"It's not over. Until the Court of Appeals addresses this issue, it is alive and well," Mr. Raum said in an interview. "We will continue to litigate until that happens. Our position is that this is a policy issue and the law in New York is that New York does not permit same-sex marriage."
"Why wouldn't we be involved in New York?" Mr. Raum said yesterday. "We go wherever the issues arise. It is a national issue, especially when you are dealing with interstate relationships and the recognition of same-sex marriages between states. It is not something that is important only in New York."
Conservative Christian Group Targets New York [NY Law Journal]

Here's hoping that just like the Super Bowl, this Arizona-based team will also soon be defeated by notheastern forces. Though of course in this instance, it's the AZ team who's playing the role of "Stealer."

**By the way:
The Alliance Defense Fund is said to have discriminatory hiring policies when it comes to people of faiths other than Christianity. Of possible interest to a state with the highest percentage of Jewish residents in the nation.

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Your thoughts

Since they keep losing in New York, it's nice to have them out of our hair here in Arizona for a while.

Posted by: RainbowPhoenix | Feb 3, 2009 1:30:40 PM

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