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Audio: Two grown het-identified Christians share their gay commonality

by Jeremy Hooper

Matt Barber & Pete Labarbera spent the afternoon chatting about the evil gays and their pesky agenda. Here is the "Liberty Live" show, in four parts:

**ALSO: Here's the transcript from the live chat that accompanied the show:

space gay-comment gay-G-A-Y-post gay-email gay-writer-jeremy-hooper

Your thoughts

What ugly CUNTS. Self loathing steaming piles.

Posted by: Hdtex | Feb 19, 2009 7:28:46 PM

What a said pair of pathetic self-loathers.

Posted by: RainbowPhoenix | Feb 19, 2009 8:18:08 PM

"Sad." That was supposed to be "sad", not "said."

Posted by: RainbowPhoenix | Feb 19, 2009 9:36:45 PM

Joe (JoeMyGod Joe) should (could) have been a little more prepared on the, "How many people do you know suffering from HIV/AIDS?" The first response that popped into my head was to ask Matt how many overweight christians that MATT knows with Diabetes, or who have suffered a stroke or heart attack. They are all diseases, and all potentially fatal, and none any worse than the other - and two of the ones that I mentioned are usually caused by being overweight (one of the Catholic's Seven Deadly Sins).

But then the fact that virtually no Lesbians contract HIV came to mind, and I know a lot of Lesbians. And, as a group, Lesbians are probably the single most healthy among all of us.

But the real kicker is that the last time I checked, something like 41% of new HIV/AIDS cases in the US were contracted due to Heterosexual contact. And, if you look globally, the percentage is much MUCH higher. Yet, and still, those lying liars still stigmatize the LGBT community exclusively when it comes to HIV/AIDS, when they should be devoting a lot of time to discussing safe sex and promoting monogamous long term relations among everyone straight and gay alike.

Posted by: Dick Mills | Feb 20, 2009 4:44:30 AM

I love how BamBam Barber loves to point out that they Love us gays but hate the sin, like he is completely free of sin...Last time I checked it looks like he's totally guilty of the sins of gluttony and sloth.

Somebody should call him out on his sins.

Posted by: Scott | Feb 20, 2009 10:21:56 AM

Matt Barber needs not to inform me of my so-called "dangerous lifestyle" (which includes all that risky sex I'm NOT currently having, since my last breakup 2+ years ago).

But we NEED to inform Bam Bam that HIS own dangerous lifestyle is showing, big time. Is that pig hellbent on being even bigger than Falwell, in more ways than one?

His "sins" are deadly (and more than 1 of them) - he loses.

Posted by: Scott | Feb 20, 2009 3:20:21 PM

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