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Barber throws American majority in frying pan with Buttars

by Jeremy Hooper

In recent comments, Utah state senator Chris Buttars (R-Obviously) essentially made gays out to be ticking time bombs who are waiting to destroy this nation. With a brush broad enough to coat all of Delaware with one stroke, he made us sound deviant, perverted, promiscuous, militant, and undeserving of both love and fairness. In a world drifting leftward on LGBT issues, Buttars is to the right of Anita Bryant and Mike Huckabee's more conservative love child.

But how does Matt Barber size up the situation?  Well, in a terse boil down of his long-winded Buttars thoughts from the other day, the Liberty Counsel something or other (himself in the conservative wing even at NRA rallies) says the following:

"What's unfortunate is the Republican leadership has thrown him under the bus," he contends. "Senator Buttars' comments and beliefs are shared by the vast majority, certainly of Utahans, and by the conservative majority of Americans."
Conservative senator blasted for pro-family stance [ONN]
Yea Matt?  You think the vast majority of Utes, let alone Americans, support the idea that gays are America's biggest threat?  Well perhaps that's true in your dream world, where Sally Kern is empress and San Franciso is turned into a a landfill.  But most of us who are awake to the ways of the actual world realize that America is ever-more-rapidly rejecting the idea that colorful pride flags are really covers for dark, evil hearts.  In fact, we would argue that an ever-growing majoirty would more readily eat a whole stick of the artery-clogging yellow stuff before they would swallow the bitter schtick of Buttars!

But Matt, you keep telling folks that the world is on the cusp of a Falwellian revival if such suits your "culture war" battle plan.  While you try to make us gays seem like grenades waiting to explode, those of us who are trying to de-militarize this debate will gladly step back and watch this nation's anti-gay movement implode.     

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Your thoughts

You know it's getting bad when even the LDS hierarchy can't stomach your unbridled anti-gay comments ...

Mormon-owned, Utah-based TV station KSL has just posted an editorial at KSL.com that begins:

"The brouhaha over recent intemperate remarks by Senator Chris Buttars is more than a distraction, as some of his colleagues contend. It is nothing less than an embarrassment for the man, the institution he represents and the state where he lives."


For once, that sounds about right.

Posted by: Chino Blanco | Feb 28, 2009 4:47:43 PM

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