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Bias á la carte

by Jeremy Hooper

In these tough economic times, organizations have to take new and novel approaches to round up donations. This is especially true if you are a certified hate group operating in a world that is growingly increasingly tired of gay bashing.

So what is the Traditional Values Coalition, an SPLC-certified hate group, doing to bring in the buckaroos? Well, they are now allowing their contributors to choose exactly which of the group's "battles" for which they'd like to see their funds used. And of course the the promise to stick it to the queers is one of their biggest money draws:

Picture 3-187

It's kind of like how your cable company lets you choose your premium channels. There one can choose from Cinemax or HBO, whereas with TVC one can choose to donate to the lie that "Sin is Maxed if you're an H-O-M-O."

It's a nice enough setup, TVC. Though forgive us if in lieu of cash, we pledge to work against your every organized move for as many months as you stay in operation. Where's the box for us to check?

TVC donations page

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