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Busting busted logic: NY group counters fairness-stifling fables

by Jeremy Hooper

You know what we find annoying? Lies.

You know who tells and/or fosters lots of fibs about civil marriage equality in order to keep gays away from it? Gay rights opponents.

You know who's helping to cut through the noise in New York? The Empire State Pride Agenda, who have put together a list of commonly touted myths about marriage equality and proceeded to bust them up with their truth fists. Check out their handiwork at link:

Picture 1-235
Same-Sex Marriage Myths Busted [ESPA]

Do you know a little kicker that we can now to wrap up this here post? No seriously, we're asking you. We've got nothing. Drawing a total blank.

Ah, screw it -- just go check out the Pride Agenda's work.

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Your thoughts

How about a slightly bad paraphrase of "Ghost Busters"

There's somethin' weird in the neighborhood,who you gonna call?
Myth Busters!
There's somethin' wrong an' it don't seem right,
who you gonna call?
Myth Busters!
You're hearin' things and they might sound right,
Who you gonna call?
Myth Busters!
An invisible lie hangin' round the land,
Who you gonna call?
Myth Busters!
I ain' afraid of the truth,
Myth Busters!

Wonderful information by Empire Pride, Worth full page newspaper space.

Posted by: Bob Miller | Feb 19, 2009 3:29:23 PM

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