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Harvey, Jack, & Ennis to get a B-Ray

by Jeremy Hooper

200902041509If you're a queer cinema buff with a Hi-Def fetish, schedule a wad-blowing for March 10. On that day, not only will Milk be released on Blu-Ray (and reg. DVD), but Brokeback Mountain will also be put out in the BR format for the first time:

BROKEBACK MOUNTAIN (Blu-ray) and MILK (DVD & Blu-ray) arrive March 10 [DVD Town]

But don't get too excited, kids: The Jack/Ennis tent scene will still be undercovers even in Blu-Ray. Technology is great and all, but even Hi-Def can't stop the film from Hidin'-the-F.

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Your thoughts

I heard Blu-ray is dying. People just couldn't be convinced to shell out more money for a non-compatible format. Blu-ray is like the Beta of video recorders.

Posted by: Priya Lynn | Feb 5, 2009 3:41:28 PM

Well Priya, I only have Blu-Ray because I have a PS3. Otherwise, I probably wouldn't have bought it.

It's def. a temporary format. All DVD is, since it's really not even necessary as it is right now (with content delivered directly to various systems). But for now, as long as I'm going to watch a DVD, I'm going to try to watch a Blu-Ray since I have it.

Posted by: G-A-Y | Feb 5, 2009 4:38:58 PM

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