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Hope and faith: Obama's religo-outreach gets gay

by Jeremy Hooper

200902061238This from the Victory Fund's Gay Politics site:

Fred Davie, the openly gay president of Public/Private Ventures, has been named to serve on President Barack Obama’s Policy Council on Faith-Based and Neighborhood Partnerships. Davie will work to provide objective, nonpartisan advice to the president on a variety of public policy matters, including strategies to increase the effectiveness of social services delivered by community and faith-based organizations.
Obama names Fred Davie to council on faith-based and neighborhood partnerships [GayPolitics.com]

First duty: Burning sage to eliminate the stigma that the Bush administration attached to the idea of faith-based outreach. Then once done there, if he could get Jesus to come down and tell his followers that his favorite cable network is Logo, that'd be nice too.

That's not asking too much, right?

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Your thoughts

I am now anxiously awaiting the freeper response to this. A man who is both black and gay (horrors! my smelling salts!) dirtying up a "faith based" project! HOW COULD OBAMA HATE CHRISTIANS SO MUCH.

Seriously, it sounds good (to me, anyway) so far :D

Posted by: Celia | Feb 6, 2009 7:17:04 PM

Correct me if I'm wrong, but is this not the program that takes federal tax dollars and distributes it to organizations that have a right to exclude people of different faith, as well as gays?

Mr. Davie’s job will be to dole out money to a number of organizations that he isn't suited to work for. Charming.

Posted by: DN | Feb 6, 2009 9:32:52 PM

DN: This program, by virtue of its existence, rightfully comes with controversy. Much of it has been bubbling up in gay activist circles this week. There are major foes of our community included in the mix (Frank Page, for one), and the whole thing raises some serious issues.

That being said, I am glad to see Davie in the mix. Still very concerned, mind you -- but it's a major step to know that an LGBT person is fully included in this mix.

Posted by: G-A-Y | Feb 6, 2009 10:27:23 PM

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