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Hotel Bill charges up San Diego gays
On a couple of occasions last week, we told you about Bill Clinton's plans to speak at the Manchester Grand Hyatt, despite that venue's controversial association with Proposition 8. Now we can tell you that on Sunday, the former president's speech did, in fact, go on as scheduled. YouTuber AutoGuy12 caught some brief video:
But don't you think the activists who were quite rightfully upset with the booking went quietly into the good San Diego night. Oh no, my dear 'mos. There were apparently around 200 protestors on site to register their displeasure with William Jefferson's willingness to cross an LGBT/organized labor picket line in order to collect a substantial appearance fee.
Rex Wockner was on hand to cover the goings on:
Gays Picket Bill Clinton in San Diego [Rex Wockner]
Also, Andy Towle has a roundup of local coverage:
Bill Clinton Crosses Proposition 8 Picket Line in San Diego [Towle]
**UPDATE: And now we see why pickets like this matter:
Clinton Regrets IFA Venue in Letter, Supports Reversal of Prop 8 [TR]
Your thoughts
I can't help but feel this was a calculated move on Clinton's part: it's easier to ask forgiveness than to actually make a public statement of commitment, plus it allows him to collect that hefty stipend for his speech.
Posted by: keltic | Feb 16, 2009 12:54:26 PM
I'm not falling for it. He knew how people felt about this before he gave the speech there. he can't turn around this quickly and say "oops!" and expect us to go, "thats ok, it's not like you've ever ignored us in the past Bill, we forgive you!"
But for politics sake I think we may have to accept the apology. We just can't give him any trust when it comes to the future. Don't expect him to do the right thing when it comes to money, he's shown his priorities and it's not doing the right thing.
If we don't forgive him we'll look mean-spirited and low. But if we give him to much benefit of the doubt he'll help destroy us and then turn around and say "I didn't mean it."
Anyway, that's my two cents on this. Accept the apology, but keep an eye on him.
Posted by: Piper | Feb 16, 2009 4:14:30 PM
Piper, Keltic: Oh, I think it was TOTALLY a calculated move. And we're all pretty sick of Democrats doing something shitty and then apologizing, thinking that it's an equal substitute for actually taking a principled standing the first place.
So yea, it's a great testament to the reasoned and organized outcry that they were able to get an apology. However, Clinton's actions still annoy me.
Posted by: G-A-Y | Feb 16, 2009 4:25:47 PM
If I were there, I would've protested as well!
Posted by: List of San Diego Hotels | May 21, 2009 6:59:36 AM
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