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Houston, we have a lesbian

by Jeremy Hooper

Openly gay Annise Parker has announced her candidacy to become the next mayor of Houston. Get to know her:

Parker announces candidacy for mayor of Houston [Dallas Voice]

We love her. Election, schmelection -- just give her the seat!

If she wins in November, Parker would become the first openly LGBT person elected mayor of a top 10 U.S. city. So come on, Houston -- you already put a man on the moon. Now put a lesbian in your own earthly orbit.

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Your thoughts

as a texan I know that Houston is more liberal than most of Texas, although not as liberal as Austin, it's possible, but she has to be the out an out BEST candidate with no room for doubt. As I vote in the panhandle not the Piny Woods region, I can only pressure my friends and family in that area. IE: My Aunt and Uncle. I will do so.

Posted by: Piper | Feb 3, 2009 3:52:17 PM

I'm so glad to see "Texas representin'"-- finally. I too am a Texan by immigration (rather than birth which apparently elevates Texans to near god status). The major metro areas (excluding perhaps DFW area) are generally left leaning - take a look at the 08 election results and see where the blue lies (Austin, San Antonio, Houston, Dallas (all top 10 U.S. cities). Damn rural Texas for making us all look like a bunch of conservative crazies. Another little bit of shock is that although the anti-marriage amendment was placed in the Texas Constitution by a 72% to 38% margin - Travis County (home of Austin) actually voted against the Amendment... if only all of Texas were as wonderfully liberal as Austin... if only...

Posted by: jaysays | Feb 3, 2009 6:31:25 PM

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