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Lincoln: Would he have thrown tall hat into marriage ring?

by Jeremy Hooper

 Good As You Images Picture-17-17In honor of Freedom to Marry Day/Week/Year/Decade/Millenium, Evan Wolfson has penned a provocative piece probing into Abe Lincoln's theoretical support for his own personal freedom to marry Todd rather than Mary Todd. Now you be a dear and go give Evan a penny for his thoughts on that particular coin's cover model:

As a candidate for the Illinois Senate in 1996, a body in which Lincoln also served, Obama in his own hand supported the Marriage Resolution now on Freedom to Marry's website. He said, "I favor legalizing same-sex marriages, and would fight efforts to prohibit such marriages." I believe Lincoln, with today's understanding of who gay people are, would, too. And once Lincoln had taken such a step, he would have stuck with it, as when he courageously refused to retreat from the Emancipation Proclamation even when facing a difficult reelection battle in 1864. As Lincoln said, "The promise, being made, must be kept."
FULL: Marriage and Gays: What Would Lincoln Do? [HuffPo]

Agreed, he would have totally been with us. Although first and foremost, we think he would've supported stricter gun laws. But then -- then -- he surely would've gotten to marriage equality. Except, of course, when it comes to shotgun weddings.

Wait, it's not too soon to be making Lincoln jokes is it?

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Your thoughts

His first election though, Lincoln didn't take a strong stance on slavery either. Time will tell if Obama follows the same pattern on marriage.

Posted by: RainbowPhoenix | Feb 12, 2009 11:17:24 AM

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