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Pete's yet-to-be-poured Milk
We have it on good word that anti-gay activist Peter LaBarbera is currently prepping a post that will utilize this image:
So let's guess: What will be the topic of Pete's post?
(a) He'll give us a thoughtful discussion examining Penn's career trajectory from Spicoli to Harvey?
(b) He'll bemoan the upcoming DVD's lack of special features?
(c) He'll unveil his plans to produce Fruit Juice, a Milk spinoff about Anita Bryant's attempts to squash gays?
(d) He's gonna present an unhinged rant against gay rights, liberal bias, and the supposed brainwashing of the nation into accepting LGBT people?
(e) He'll criticize the film's lack of a vegan option?
Stay tuned, my lil' harvey fans!
**UPDATE: He's now posted. (D) it is: Sorry, Sean Penn, We’re PROUD to Defend Marriage — Hollywood Denounces God and Applauds Pedophilia [AFT]
Your thoughts
Omigod, Fruit Juice. Someone should pay you to come up with this shit. Had I been drinking some fruit juice, it would be all over my keyboard via my nose. Nice.
Posted by: L.A. Fields | Feb 23, 2009 4:40:34 PM
e, definitely. Mr. LB's the veganest gay-hater for sure!
Posted by: Barret | Feb 23, 2009 4:44:39 PM
"(c) He'll unveil his plans to produce Fruit Juice, a Milk spinoff about Anita Bryant's attempts to squash gays?"
Oh, don't do this to me! I'm rolling on the floor!!!
Posted by: Richard Rush | Feb 23, 2009 7:06:11 PM
Really, your title should have been "Pete's Yet To Be Soured Milk."
Posted by: Jamie | Feb 24, 2009 12:25:18 AM
Looks like I'm late to the game here, but I'll reiterate: "Fruit Juice." LMAO.
Posted by: Dana | Feb 24, 2009 1:27:02 AM
what the heck is with his "homosexuality content" measuring scale for films? "Ho" movies made the most money while "HoHoHo" movies made the least apparently. I don't think Santa would approve of the misuse of his catchphrase.
Posted by: Joe | Feb 24, 2009 2:51:42 AM
So is it just me, or is it impressive the cognitive dissonance they continue to display, piling on the pedophilia-love for Hollywood's celebrity elite, proclaiming that Eastwood (a two-time winning director) was ignored, and brilliantly acting as if Heath Ledger's win for "the Dark Knight" equals shunning a movie which somehow glorifies Dubya?
My god.
How long before they decide that liberal, effete, blue-skiers need to be taught that God actually made the sky red, as in red state?
Posted by: Eric | Feb 25, 2009 10:47:04 AM
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