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Stiffed on the Bill: Activist's Clinton cries go unheeded

by Jeremy Hooper

Picture 10-111Yesterday we told you how a coalition of organized labor and marriage equality supporters are asking Bill Clinton to cancel/move a weekend speech at San Diego's Manchester Grand Hyatt, because of owner Doug Manchester's contributions to the Prop 8 campaign. Unfortunately, the former president seems to be unmoved by the protestations:

...a spokesman for the former president said yesterday that Clinton will speak at the Hyatt
Bill Clinton Will Cross A Picket Line To Collect His Speaking Fees [BTB]

A Clinton failing to take a principled gay rights stand. Hmm, excuse me just a second. [::writer walks over to nearest window, looks out, then returns::]

Yep, just as suspected -- the sky is still blue.

**Graphic courtesy of "Move Clinton Speech"

**UPDATE, 2/16:
Clinton Regrets IFA Venue in Letter, Supports Reversal of Prop 8 [Towle]

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Your thoughts

Didn't Doug Manchester sell that business and move on already?

Posted by: a-yo | Feb 13, 2009 3:37:12 PM

Jeremy - unfortunately when a Clinton sees $$$$$$$$$$ it's F*ck the gay population.... I'm so sick of "being used to this treatment"..... Happy Valentines day to you and yours, kid!


Posted by: tom | Feb 13, 2009 4:08:37 PM

Much as I adore the Clintons, this news makes me sad. It probably was more than just the fee, though. He probably didn't want to offend a fat cat whom he could milk for one of his foundations. The weasel.

Posted by: Wilberforce | Feb 13, 2009 9:08:50 PM

Clinton claimed it was an underling that set the gig up so he wasn't to blame...but he was the one that crossed the picket lineS.
Yep, here we go folks now we can get LINES set up with labor, with veterans, with other groups..TOO GOOD.

Well the sky is not blue here...first good rain of the year....
and tomorrow is LOVE and MARRIAGE Day in SAC...
and the next day is LOBBY DAY..well I guess that will be indoors, but TUES
weather is to be better.

Anyway the BIG JOE S... is supposed to be coming....
walk over to the window nope, still raining...

Posted by: LOrion | Feb 15, 2009 10:32:26 PM

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