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Video: But the real question: Will Westboro picket the planet's funeral?
The world's about to end. America's excitement about having an intelligent man in office is the main indicator of our impending doom. Oh, and said intelligent man is the anti-Christ, working in unison with Satan and the Pope to dupe this planet's inhabitants (all expect for one oh-so-insightful church) into embracing their own destruction.
So says Westboro Baptist, a body of people who, ironically, have themselves been led by one fiery orator into adopting thoroughly wacky views on humanity:
(**Warning: Disturbing photos in first video)
(**Warning: Disturbing justification of Fred Phelps's aforementioned wacky views can be found throughout)
Paid for by Palin/Jindal 2012.
Just kidding. We think.
Your thoughts
Holy ass crap Fred! If you pulled your head out of your butt long enough for some fresh air you might think a little more rationaly. You are so angry, that I can only believe that there is one very nasty drag queen trying to get out of you.
Posted by: Jim Casella | Feb 3, 2009 7:37:24 PM
Anyone who dares to stray from the strictest interpretation from the Bible is spitting in the face of God, Jesus, and/or the Holy Ghost? Freddy, you and your followers are full of it. Thank you for turning a religion based on understanding, love, and forgiveness into a noxious poisonous(please note my sarcasm).
Posted by: KZ | Feb 3, 2009 11:15:36 PM
Posted by: KZ | Feb 3, 2009 11:16:24 PM
These people obviously have really serious mental health issues and would probably best be ignored entirely. My point is that if no one reported on them - they'd loose a whole lot of publicity.
Why do we really care so much WHAT these whack jobs think?
Posted by: malechi | Feb 4, 2009 6:44:47 PM
How does this man continue to ramble on like this?
There's this disturbing giddiness in their eyes. It's as they're daring people to hate them because they know that's where their real power and satisfaction comes from.
Posted by: A Strange Boy | Feb 6, 2009 7:50:22 PM
As I listened to the second video, all I could think was: I'M THE FAG JUGGERNAUT B***H!
Posted by: Eric | Feb 23, 2009 12:52:06 AM
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