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Video: In which another person stops having gay sex then publicizes/politicizes the decision
Larrell, her "ex-homosexual" tee shirt, and her affirmations (Mmm. Mmm Hmm. Right. Amen.) are back with another supposedly saved soul. But if you ask us, this case is a little weak even for the spurious "ex-gay" movement:
So she had one adult same-sex relationship after previously having been in love with a man? In what realm does her personal decision to no longer get with the lady side of her desires make Ms. Scott an "ex-homosexual"? A bisexual who chooses to only follow one side of her attractions, maybe. A mostly-hetero person who gave women the old college try only to find that it wasn't really where her heart is, perhaps. But the only "change" that seems to have happened involves her decision to put more non-objective stock in a handful of open-for-interpretation biblical passages. That's perfectly fine and is her right to do so. But if she's going to help foster the lie those who are drawn only to the same-sex can flip their truths off like a light, then we are gonna have something to say about it.
Sexuality does indeed span a gamut. However, "ex-homosexual" is not an identity that fits in any non politically- or religious-motivated corner of that spectrum.
Ex-Homosexual: Folasade's Interview [YouTube]
Your thoughts
Just another lunatic. I'm suprised she didn't add "....so when do I get my cookie?".
Wouldn't it be hilarious if the "ex-gays" started recruiting straight college students who got drunk one night and messed around with somebody of the same sex, and trying to brand those kids as "ex-gays" as well? LOL
And just because you go into a brief same-sex fling (whether or not you're mentally vulnerable at the time) doesn't make you "gay" or "ex-gay". It makes you a ho. Especially if you're seeking to profit from that fling via "christians" afterwards.
Posted by: Scott | Feb 20, 2009 3:08:55 PM
I think in some of the "successful" cases like this the people are bisexual and repress one side of them. As a bisexual who once tried to repress one side of my sexuality, once you're aware of who you are, it's really difficult to hide it from yourself.
After all is said and done, I just hope the people who go into these programs heal afterwards, bisexual and repressed, or gay and self-hating, it's no way to live. :(
Posted by: Corvidae | Feb 20, 2009 3:39:19 PM
Is Jesus the only person who turns gays into "ex-gays?" The only "successes" seem to be from those who are scared straight.
Posted by: Craig | Feb 20, 2009 3:44:41 PM
These people are as nutty as those Heavens Gate fools who wanted to hitch a ride on that comet. And I want to say leave them to their hypocrisies, their Jesus, and their bullsh*t. But this rhetoric is dangerous and that girl ain't bisexual. She talked about all those "thoughts and dreams" she had coming up. Uh-huh ...
Those thoughts and dreams -- they were about PUSSY. She still thinks about pussy. Day and night. And in no time, if she hangs out with ol' girl in the green shirt in the video too long, she gonna be all up in hers. And you can believe that like you read it in the bible. [pun intended]
Now I'm no rocket scientist, but I know my people when I see 'em. Girlfriend is ALL family, butch lesbian to her soul, just sadly twisted loony-tunes by the worlds most poisonous and mind-twisting of all mankinds creations -- religion.
Posted by: Taylor Siluwé | Feb 20, 2009 7:31:02 PM
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