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WND's exhausting non-acceptance speech: Someone please play the damn music already
Some of us were moved by Sean Penn and Dustin Lance Black's moving Oscar wins and speeches. Others, like WorldNetDaily, found that they turned the show into a gay sex sausage fest:
Rolling out the red carpet for anti-gay rage. So sweet, that WND.
But the whole thing is kinda myopic of them, considering that the night clearly belonged to "Slumdog Millionaire." Then again, "Hollywood goes Bollywood" doesn't curry nearly as much favor with the socially conservative troops as do condemnations of LGBT equality. Shunning the slums doesn't score as many points as does descrying the Castro. So to their bizarrely gay-obsessed brain, the show gets boiled down to about 6 minutes of pro-LGBT content, those fair and reasoned calls for tolerance are likened to a White Party hotel orgy, and the participants are decried for accepting rather than condemning.
Seriously, WorldNetDaily: Did a childhood bully beat you with a pride flag or something?!
Oscars turn into homosex-fest [WND]
Your thoughts
Seriously, WorldNetDaily: Did a childhood bully beat you with a pride flag or something?!
That could be close, really, really close.
Posted by: LOrion | Feb 23, 2009 2:03:28 PM
I often wonder if the WND is just really a big hoax put on by college students somewhere.
"Hey you know what would be cool? Let's write a News site but make it so radically right-wing it mocks itself."
I can't help but thinking Dana Carvey as the church lady reading most of the comments.
Posted by: Ed | Feb 23, 2009 2:22:35 PM
what a bunch of jerks. and I'm being too nice, I know.
Posted by: John Ozed | Feb 23, 2009 2:27:06 PM
Be honest, is there ANYONE who didn't see this coming?
Posted by: RainbowPhoenix | Feb 23, 2009 2:37:21 PM
I do find it rather hard to believe some of these sites. You and Slap Upside the Head keep me sane.
Thanks for restoring my faith in humanity.
Posted by: Timothy (TRiG) | Feb 24, 2009 10:58:41 AM
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