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Howard, stern: Dean voices unequivocal marriage support
Howard Dean, while a longtime friend and ally, has in the past left some questions about whether or not he fully supports marriage equality. But it now seems that he's on the one and only fair page, as he is encouraging his home state's lawmakers to vote for the marriage equality legislation that is making its way through the state Assembly:
Dean urged Vermont party members to press forward in this year's legislative drive to grant marriage rights to all Vermonters, regardless of gender.
"Vote your conscience, not your district," he advised legislators.
"Stand up for doing the right thing; for being a human being," he continued. "Put human rights above politics -- because if you don't, you'll regret it for the rest of your political career."
Dean urges passage of same-sex marriage bill [Burlington Free Press]
Dean's words are quite welcome, considering we desperately need a veto-proof majority in the House in order to override Gov. Douglas' announced veto plans. Plus it's just good to see another Democrat pulling off the Bush era gag and fully coming out for what they could've, should've supported years ago. It still annoys us that so many of them left us out in the boat, forced to navigate the choppy Rovian waters with little public support. But unequivocal support in this new Obama era (and an expensive wedding gift) can and will easily buy our forgiveness.
We're registered at Barney's -- now all you could-be allies need to follow Dean's lead and publicly register your marriage equality approval.
**SEE ALSO: Anti-gay marriage Vermont Gov. Jim Douglas gets 1,500 messages [AP]
Your thoughts
"Dean's words are quite welcome" as are Griffins... and we welcome any and all celebrities, as long as they stay positive and vocal.
Posted by: LOrion | Mar 31, 2009 12:57:59 PM
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