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HRC T's up for more peaceful ENDA discourse
Remember in 2007, when their failure to oppose a non-inclusive ENDA led many LGBT activists to Harangue/Ridiculue/Challenge HRC? Well happily, the future seems more Hopeful Regarding Cooperation on passing an inclusive measure:
The board of directors of the Human Rights Campaign approved a policy statement Wednesday saying the group will not support the Employment Non-Discrimination Act, or ENDA, if it excludes language protecting transgender persons from discrimination.
HRC won’t support ‘gay-only’ ENDA [Wash Blade]
HRC is careful to say that this policy is not new, and that their strategic support of an LGBT-only ENDA in '07 was a "one-time exception." The transgender community is careful to say, "Don't push it, HRC!"
Your thoughts
Since the president promised to sign the fully inclusive version, there will be no excuses this time.
Posted by: RainbowPhoenix | Mar 26, 2009 8:24:56 PM
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