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It's official: Guv to insert hostile E-O into V-T-
Vermont governor Jim Douglas has made his intent official. And as feared, it's very Schwarzeneggerian in its tone.
This from the AP:
Vermont Gov. Jim Douglas says he will veto a gay marriage bill if it passes the Legislature.
Governor says he'll veto same-sex marriage [AP via NECN]
So now it's up to the House to pass the marriage bill with a veto-proof majority, as the Senate has already done, so that the legislature can override this one (Republican) man's pen stroke. And we certainly hope they can do it, too, as we would hate to see equality join leaves as products for whose spectacular fall/falling/failure the state is internationally known.
Your thoughts
Maybe the fact that he did will kick some on-the-fence-butt enough that the house achieves a veto-proof margin. Or maybe I am just too much of a glass-half-full kind-of guy.
Posted by: Dick Mills | Mar 25, 2009 3:27:11 PM
I hope you're right Dick, but this could also push some of the fence sitters the other way.
Posted by: RainbowPhoenix | Mar 25, 2009 4:03:21 PM
Douglas may well be served by recognizing that a "typical Republican" is not a particularly good match for representing the will of the people of Vermont and that if he insists on behaving like one then they should chuck him out on his keester.
Posted by: Timothy | Mar 25, 2009 7:41:25 PM
We shouldn't be toooo pesimistic. The Progressives and Democrats have a 2/3 majority. And half the Republicans in the Senate voted for marriage so it's possible there will be some in the House voting for equality.
Posted by: Timothy | Mar 25, 2009 7:42:53 PM
Gov. Douglas V-E-T-O's? Fair-minded Vermonters will V-O-T-E him out of office.
Of course, now that my spouse and I have married in Massachusetts, I'll forever be deprived of having Vermont's own Ben and Jerry's cater the reception, whatever happens.
Posted by: Dana | Mar 26, 2009 12:22:45 AM
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