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Latest marriage attack is nuts (and bolts)!

by Jeremy Hooper

At yesterday's "traditional marriage" rally in Raleigh, NC, conservative lawyer David Gibbs III reportedly likened same-sex couples to people who "want to marry their pets or robots":

NC: wingnut - 'save' marriage or there will be man-robot nuptials [PHB]

Which is obviously crazy. I mean, why should one have to choose:


Marry two robo-birds with one gemstone!

Okay, obviously we're joking, as we've yet to come across a human who wants to get hitched to either a pet or a robot. Though should you marry the latter and something happen to break during you honeymoon, Mr Gibb's comments have given us an idea as to where you can find someone who's willing to act like a tool.

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Your thoughts

I'm pretty sure they pulled this one from an episode of Futurama.

Posted by: RainbowPhoenix | Mar 4, 2009 6:49:20 PM

Maybe they've been taking "Diesel Sweeties" too literally.

Posted by: Geno | Mar 4, 2009 10:36:08 PM

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