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Manchester Grand: We'll leave the (protest) light on for you
Say what you want about gays, but we are nothing if not a novel people. Take for instance what happened last night in San Diego. As the LGBT community and its allies marched and spoke out against Proposition 8, some creative folks found a way to project the word "boycott" onto the Manchester Grand Hyatt, the hotel that the community has been boycotting since owner Doug Manchester's sizable Prop 8 contributions came to light.
Rex Wockner has the visual proof:
Projection on Manchester Grand [Wockner]
(h/t: JMG)
Though it's unlikely that Mr. Manchester ever saw it, as his regressive Prop 8 contribution has already shown us that he's not so good at reading the writing on the wall.
Your thoughts
This is GREAT!
Posted by: John Ozed | Mar 5, 2009 11:23:19 AM
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