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Pro-gay McCain: Country first, Coulter last
Meghan McCain supports marriage equality. Oh, and she also detests the "offensive, radical, insulting, and confusing" rhetoric of one Ann Coulter:
More so than my ideological differences with Ann Coulter, I don’t like her demeanor. I have never been a person who was attracted to hate or negativity
My Beef With Ann Coulter [Daily Beast]
Log Cabin Republicans are currently debating whether to brand her their queen, goddess, or grand dame.
Though unfortunately there's still no word as to where 2008's other prominent conserva-teen, Bristol Plain, stands on either Coulter or Coulter's ability to marry Ruth Bader Ginsberg. And considering that her mother, unlike Meghan's father, has a very realistic chance of future runs, we think it'll be a cold day in Wasilla before we hear a boat-rocking peep.
**UPDATE, 3/11: Meghan does Maddow:
Your thoughts
What a breath of fresh air! I'm sure she wouldn't be a republican if it wasn't for her dad, but if she is the direction of the republican party, I may find myself voting for them again in about 20 years or so.
Posted by: Steve - Geneva, IL | Mar 9, 2009 4:43:45 PM
This is not a shock. I got a strong vibe during the campaign which way the young McCain would lean. And the fact that she hates the C-woman makes me down right giggly.
Posted by: Taylor Siluwé | Mar 9, 2009 6:38:11 PM
Now if only she didn't have her father's narcissism.
Posted by: RainbowPhoenix | Mar 9, 2009 8:01:08 PM
Isn't the definition of a republican: opposed to big government and/or socially conservative? If she is neither opposed to big government (she admitted that she does not understand economics enough to have an opinion)
nor socially conservative, why does she identify as Republican?
I myself always vote Independant, since I vary between being a liberal socialist or a liberal libertarian
Posted by: Aiden | May 11, 2009 6:08:24 AM
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