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Video: 'Religious people can feel whatever they want to feel'
Earlier this week, Judge Judy appeared on "Larry King Live," where she once again expressed her disbelief/discontentmentr with that vote-initiated historical misstep known as Proposition 8. Have a look:
Judge Sheindlin for U.S. Supreme Court! Hell, if TV's Sanjay Gupta can get a (now withdrawn) Surgeon General nod, why not Judge J?
*TRANSCRIPT: 3/16/09 [Larry King Live]
Your thoughts
Connecticut has the right idea... checks and balances of unbridled abuse of power by religious leaders... Bill 1098 - imagine introducing similar bills in every state of the union!
Posted by: notsosure | Mar 19, 2009 6:08:19 PM
Wow, Judge Judy had some pretty good things to say. I'm impressed.
Posted by: Samuel | Mar 19, 2009 7:43:07 PM
Bah! The video's been removed before I got a chance to see it. Anyone got a transcript?
Posted by: Timothy (TRiG) | Mar 21, 2009 9:46:00 AM
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