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Video: The Real Housewives of Sapphic City

by Jeremy Hooper

Today's "Oprah":

Love the provocative "a house in the suburbs" tease. It's as if they're saying that a white picket fence has some sort of hetero-containing powers that typically succeed in keeping lesbi-thoughts at bay. Like lady-love for one of those urban ladies would be understandable. But a suburban woman? Why the only "L words" they're suppose to embrace are "lemon squares" for their "lady luncheons."

Well, we LGBT folks have long known that love and desire hold no zoning requirements. Tune in today to see how Oprah and Co. defy the limits, both hetero and city.

Women Leaving Men for Other Women [Oprah]

*Looks very similar to this 2006 episode

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Your thoughts

It's amazing to me the difference in the way Oprah, and just about everyone else, treats lesbians who marry men and then divorce them and gay men who marry women and then divorce them. With the gay men it's all about shame and ridicule and "how could you do that to that innocent woman" and "what a lying, deceitful bastard you are", etc. Yet with lesbians it's all about intrigue and validation and justification. I find this to be especially interesting since lesbians who divorce their husbands most often walk away with the children, the house, alimony and child support whereas gay men who divorce usually walk away with nothing but monthly child support and alimony checks to write. There seems to be a deeply held belief that husbands have responsibilities that wives don't and wives have choices that husbands don't.

Posted by: Zeke | Mar 25, 2009 10:08:28 PM

"It's as if they're saying that a white picket fence has some sort of hetero-containing powers that typically succeed in keeping lesbi-thoughts at bay."

Well, to be fair, the howling existential emptiness of suburb life does take its toll on the libido.

Posted by: mars | Mar 25, 2009 11:30:50 PM

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