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Video: Thou shalt not 'lei' with mankind as with womankind
What logic is being used to fuel marital bias in Hawaii? Same coconuts, different island:
"Aloha" is used to both greet and bid farewell. We'll let you guess which form of we'd like to direct to the idea that personal religious beliefs should be used to to set civil policy.
Your thoughts
Brian Taniguchi went back on his promise to pull the bill from committee. This may just kill it.
Posted by: Chris | Mar 25, 2009 3:58:23 PM
Wait, same-sex marriage is an Obama-nation? Well, we've certainly gotten the last part now, so where's the first?
Posted by: C. Foley | Mar 25, 2009 8:34:56 PM
Self-pwnage can be hard to watch :(
Posted by: Chris | Mar 25, 2009 11:31:47 PM
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