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And there's a good chance the perp identifies as 'pro-life'

by Jeremy Hooper

Matt-McCoyBecause of his vocal support for marriage equality, openly gay Iowa state senator Matt McCoy has received a death threat:

Iowa officials confirmed State Senator Matt McCoy, the legislature’s sole openly gay member, received a death threat via voice message at his private job.
Gay lawmaker gets death threat over marriage stance [Gay Politics]

But you're probably right, opposition. It probably is the gays who are the "militant" ones. [::writer rolls eyes, shakes head, researches bulletproof vest colors and sizes::]

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Your thoughts

OH BROTHER! But of course, the "religious" "right" (they are neither) will see this as justifiable I'm sure, just as they did the shooting of an abortion provider in Florida, and the countless other atrocities committed in the name of Jesus-IE witch hunts, burnings the Iniquistion, The Crusades, war over who has the REAL God, etc ad nauseam, and yeah, yeah, yeah, I know it's not only Christians, but in this instance it's a "Christian" who did it, and if you think I'm being harsh, read a book of world history, it tells it all!

If I recall, we are supposed to NOT pull up the tares until it's time for Jesus to come back, and then HE will do the pulling. Why is it that these
pro-life" people think they can ignore such pasages, let alone "YOu shall not Murder! " GRRR!

Posted by: Bill Rogers RN (Ret.) | Apr 18, 2009 2:13:13 PM

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