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'Armageddon'? Yea, Bishop Jackson? That's the imagery you're going with?

by Jeremy Hooper

We've already made you aware of today's D.C. anti-gay rally vis-á-vis our Facebook activism against the event. But now Bishop Harry Jackson will give you more insight into just how shrill the 10AM soiree will likely be:

The rally, according to lead organizer Bishop Harry Jackson of Hope Christian Church in Bowie, "will launch the Armageddon of the marriage battle in this country."

Jackson predicts that about 1,000 church members and 100 pastors will show up to argue that the apparently unanimous support among D.C. Council members for recognizing same-sex marriage is an affront to Washingtonians and especially to blacks.

"There's a sense that the latte-drinking crowd is doing an end run around the regular people," Jackson told me. "It's a race and a class struggle on this. If 51 percent of the people in D.C. are African American and you have a unanimous vote by the city council on this, somebody's not listening to the people."
Same-Sex Marriage 'Armageddon' in D.C.? [WaPo]

Picture 24-19Okay, first off: We much prefer mochas to lattes. But unless we're met with a random bout of lactose intolerance, our coffee consumption, be it in mocha or latte form, has no bearing on our "regularity."

But that caffeinated assessment out of the way: What the hell does Bishop Jackson mean by "Armageddon of the marriage battle in this country"? And doesn't he see how that sort of tone might raise a few eyebrows? Because to us, the ones who are being 200904281003persecuted by intolerance, it suggests that our opponents are ready to ratchet up their actions, rhetoric, and campaigns to a whole other notch, which, quite frankly, is a very scary prospect. They've already banned up in dozens of states, and painted our lives and loves as immoral, so what does this new "Armageddon" mean for our lives on the ground?! And for those who believe that punishing gays will lead to their own personal rapture, what sort of new tactics will this sort of final call elicit?

We're watching with a close and careful eye, but a staunch and resounding mouth. We suggest you do the same, unless you want to see an anti-gay group's personal End Times prophecy become a national pandemic that makes swine flu look like hogwash in comparison.

**Wanna learn more about Bishop Jackson? Check out PFAW's coverage:

Point Man for the Wedge Strategy: Harry Jackson is the face of the Religious Right’s outreach to African American Christians [PFAW]

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Your thoughts

I'm more concerned about the fact that we have an A-A preacher openly attempting to drive a wedge between gays and blacks. This needs to be counteracted for the hateful and, yes, racist attempt that it is.

Posted by: Alex | Apr 28, 2009 2:04:17 PM

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