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Bea in peace
Bea Arthur, Star of ‘Maude,’ Dies [NY Times]
Your thoughts
This is sad news. She was a great comedienne and singer.
I've always loved that clip of her and Rock Hudson (who knew he could sing) so I'm glad you included it.
Posted by: Bill S | Apr 25, 2009 4:47:14 PM
Posted by: Stojef | Apr 25, 2009 4:50:41 PM
What show are the two clips with Madame from?
Posted by: Bill S | Apr 25, 2009 4:58:17 PM
Oh my God! What happened?
Posted by: Piper | Apr 25, 2009 7:30:30 PM
She was 50 years old when Maude turned her into an icon. She was 86. What a legacy!
Posted by: Dick Mills | Apr 25, 2009 8:47:00 PM
The clips with Madame (and Rock Hudson and Melba Moore) are from 1980's "The Beatrice Arthur Special"(http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0334930/)
Posted by: Dave | Apr 25, 2009 9:23:10 PM
Okay, I'm 44 years old and saw this episode when it aired - my all-time "Maude" favorite (in three parts on YouTube):
Posted by: Dale | Apr 26, 2009 1:02:07 AM
Piper, if you're asking about cause of death, it was cancer. She died peacefully in her sleep with family present.
I wonder how soon it'll be before those creeps at the Westboro Baptist church drag her name through the mud.
Posted by: Bill S | Apr 26, 2009 7:59:48 AM
Thanks Bill S
I did a little research after I saw this and found out. I am waiting as well for WBB to go nuts with this.
She was a true lady, she reminded me of my Grandma, only much brasher. She radiated dignity. I will truly miss her.
Posted by: Piper | Apr 26, 2009 12:57:07 PM
Thanks, Dick. That aired in 1980? How the heck did I miss that? 'Cause if I'd heard a show featuring Bea, Rock, Melba and Madame was airing, I'd have circled the date in the "TV Guide"!
I hope it comes out on DVD.
Probably won't though. :(
Posted by: Bill S | Apr 26, 2009 4:47:18 PM
Thanks for "Bosom Buddies." It's so wonderfully bitchy, and it was great hearing her sing it with Angela rather than with Lucy. I wonder how many people wish they could deliver a line like Bea.
Bill S., who knew about Rock's singing? My parents dragged me kicking and screaming to see a play called "I Do, I Do" with Rock Hudson and Carol Burnett. Then they had to drag me out of the theater, because my young brain had already turned me into a show tune queen. He was so big and handsome. Okay, maybe his singing wasn't all that great, but he was big and handsome! He was big and handsome enough to start my voice changing. She was wild and crazy and a pretty good singer. I even went home and practiced one of her dances. I also started buying Broadway albums. Still my parents didn't have a clue about me. People ignore what they want to ignore. He was so big and handsome!
Back to Bea. She was an original.
Posted by: Mike in the Tundra | Apr 26, 2009 7:34:45 PM
Hey, I bought the 45 of "It's Raining Men" in front of my mother and she still didn't seem to know (or if she did, she kept it to herself.)
Posted by: Bill S | Apr 26, 2009 8:40:14 PM
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