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Everyone say 'Hi, Matt'
We've always suspected that Matt Barber reads us. But now one of Matt's Facebook friends -- someone who is, in actuality, stealthily sensitive to our cause -- has pretty much confirmed our suspicions.
Check this out. Matt has apparently posted this photo to his F'book wall:
Look familiar? yes, that's right -- it's a screen cap that we made for yesterday's post covering Carrie Prejean's appearance on Matt's radio show:
And it's not in Google images, so he couldn't have pulled it from there without actually visiting our B.S.-refuting article. The only way one could get this image is by visiting our post.
We just hope that since Matt does drop in, that he actually processes some of what we're saying to him. No matter how deep his convictions, we can't help but believe that some of our words have got to keep him awake at night wondering if his life's work, which genuinely hurts many an LGBT person, is really the most Christian way he could be spending his intendedly Jesus-pleasing days.
Your thoughts
Hi, Matt
Posted by: Timothy | Apr 30, 2009 2:30:43 PM
Hi, bigot :)
Posted by: Bruno | Apr 30, 2009 4:50:33 PM
I happen to know for a fact that possibly at least once a week, Barber googles his own name to see how many folks have mentioned stuff about him.
Posted by: a. mcewen | Apr 30, 2009 5:20:07 PM
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