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Facebook organizing FAIL
There's something beautiful going on over at Facebook. It's a growing group of people who saw a now-infamous anti-gay group promoting one of their upcoming events, and who seized the opportunity to send their own push back. A "gathering storm," if you will.
The story: On Friday, we were poking around the National Organization For Marriage's official Facebook page, and saw that they are promoting an anti-gay event that's to be held tomorrow morning in D.C. Annoyed with the event, we immediately wrote a post about it, in which we casually asked readers to go over to Facebook an emphatically state their plans to NOT attend this sort of homo-hostile rally. From there, you all took it and ran with it. Pro-gay videos and photos were uploaded, comments came in at a 100% queer-supportive rate, and scores of people made their resistance clearly known. And now, despite the event being promoted through NOM's very own F'book page, this is how the slate of planned attendees has shaped up:
Yes, that's right -- not one single person has jumped to NOM's defense. And remember: The one place where they are promoting this event is on their own F'book page, which supposedly has close to 2000 followers. But not a single one of them has felt compelled to click over and defend NOM's honor. Instead, we have used the power of civil disobedience to stand against an agenda that mucks up both the internet and the world. It's absolutely brilliant to see.
Go check it out and, if on Facebook, join in on the fun:
NOM's anti-gay event that we have completely taken over with our own -- 114 "Not attending" and growing [Faceook]
*NOTE: There are currently 5 people listed as "maybe attending." However, not a one of them is a real "maybe" -- they are all pro-gay people who were confused about the setup of the page. We've checked them all.
Your thoughts
I RSVPd for the event. I hope they got my RSVP in time, I feel guilty about giving a 24 notice.
Posted by: Name must not be blank | Apr 27, 2009 10:19:52 AM
24 hour notice*
Posted by: Name must not be blank | Apr 27, 2009 10:20:55 AM
"24 notice" would have been cooler. That's where you jump in through the window, torture someone, spray bullets all over the place, set stuff on fire and leave abruptly after eating all the spinach dip.
Posted by: Personal Failure | Apr 27, 2009 1:15:56 PM
Seriously, this is how we unite and fight? This is ridiculous. Spamming and RSVP-bombing an event is only going to reinforce the view that we're hostile and not interested in having a real talk.
Do they have the right to free speech? Yes. Do we? Yes. That doesn't mean we should be jerks about it.
Posted by: Mike | Apr 27, 2009 6:22:12 PM
Spamming? RSVP-bombing? Stifling free speech?
Are you kidding me right now, Mike? It is a Facebook page where every single Facebook member in existence is told to answer whether they plan on attending this event or not. Anyone is free to respond to the invitation in any way they choose. It just so happens that the only way anyone has felt compelled to respond is "not attending."
Posted by: G-A-Y | Apr 27, 2009 7:59:03 PM
I agree with Jeremy. We aren't bombing or taking away anyone's First Amendment rights. It's totally legal and ethical.
And it only serves to enhance the fact that NOM's campaign has been a huge bomb that cannot be taken seriously.
Posted by: a. mcewen | Apr 27, 2009 8:59:25 PM
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