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Fake it until you make it (and by 'it,' we mean 'gay people miserable')
Is denial a National Organization For Marriage job requirement? Because even as the jokes, parodies, reasoned responses, horrible Youtube ratings, and largely negative online comments continue, all involved with NOM continue to insist that all this attention is nothing but fab-oo.
Like take this interaction that we shared with NOM PR person Mary Beth Hutchins. After we pressed her about the veracity of the press releases she continues to send out into the ether, and referred to the "Gathering Storm" ad as a FAIL, Ms Hutchins tweeted back with this:
Well maybe she wouldn't call NOM's spike in attention an epic fail. But we would, are, and will continue to do so. So on that note, we are now just going to pipe down and let you have another look at some of the highlights from NOM's really awful month:
NOM's incredibly low-rated "Gathering Storm" ad, and our response to it
NOM's embarassing casting tapes.
NOM denies comments.
NOM supports 2M4M.
NOM is despised by YouTube community, receiving parody after parody after parody.
NOM is unpopular even on their own Facebook page.
NOM forfeits chance to defend their failure of an ad.
NOM overextends their copyright.
NOM's Brian Brown forfeits chance to defend self.
NOM issues a "fact sheet" that only gets the "sheet" part right.
NOM's Maggie Gallagher compares self to Vaclav Havel.
NOM is cited by Frank Rich as a death knell for the anti-gay movement.
Despite all this, NOM claims that their ad is a "success."
NOM has a board member who once suggested Americans should "destroy" their gay-accepting government.
Then they ratchet up the absurdity one more notch and actually "thank" Stephen Colbert for viciously skewering them.
**Oh, and if you haven't already, we highly recommend you check out NOM's Facebook page. Their wall comments are 95% pro-gay, with the few dissenters wondering why gay people can't leave *them* alone.
Your thoughts
Ask Ms. Hutchins for a copy of their press release about Steve Schmidt. If she can't seem to find it, perhaps this might refresh her memory.
National Organization for Marriage
to Steve Schmidt:
"Losing Elections Does Not Make you an Expert on Gay Marriage"
Posted by: Peter | Apr 22, 2009 1:45:43 AM
I guess they're operating under the guise that "even bad publicity is good publicity". Silly wingnuts.
Posted by: Buffy | Apr 22, 2009 6:53:56 AM
NOM isn't about marriage, it's about a paycheck for those involved. More attention = More money. They can spin the attention to justify their employment.
Posted by: SammySeattle | Apr 22, 2009 3:39:05 PM
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