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Geez, FOF: Don't you know we're in an economic downturn/equality upswing?
If you're looking for some quick in this economic decline, then it looks like propaganda video-making might just be the one solid industry towards which to turn. At least if Focus on the Family's pricey newest "protect marriage" DVD is any indication:
Wow, 60 smackerooskies to hear a few speakers convey the assorted and sundry ways that one can say "I don't support nor really care for gay people" without actually coming out and saying it? Heck, we can give you a full run down of that nonsense in about ten minutes -- and we'll only charge you thirty!
But then again, they do have to ca$h in while they can. In a decade or so, they'll be hard pressed to get a penny for either their anti-gay videos or thoughts.
Focus Marriage Conference Available on DVD [Citizenlink]
Your thoughts
Well, let's not forget it probably comes with how to oppose a local GSA, a list of "conversion" therapists, how to shun family members that are gay, and a nice house party kit to deny marriage equality.
Posted by: Jeff Chang | Apr 27, 2009 8:19:08 PM
Well, well, well. The time has come for them to actually offer a PRODUCT in lieu of simply begging for an anti-gay "thithing."
Posted by: Dale | Apr 27, 2009 9:49:03 PM
You can hear the same propaganda over at my old church for free - either by video or just read it if you can't stomach the preacher.
Posted by: LightofDawn | Apr 27, 2009 11:23:36 PM
$60 for THAT thing?
My DVD of "Milk" only cost $20.
Posted by: Bill S | Apr 28, 2009 4:42:28 PM
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