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Iowa. WE WON!!!!!!!

by Jeremy Hooper
Iowa Code section 595.2 is unconstitutional because the County has
been unable to identify a constitutionally adequate justification for excluding
plaintiffs from the institution of civil marriage. A new distinction based on
sexual orientation would be equally suspect and difficult to square with the
fundamental principles of equal protection embodied in our constitution.
This record, our independent research, and the appropriate equal protection
analysis do not suggest the existence of a justification for such a legislative
classification that substantially furthers any governmental objective.
Consequently, the language in Iowa Code section 595.2 limiting civil
marriage to a man and a woman must be stricken from the statute, and the
remaining statutory language must be interpreted and applied in a manner
allowing gay and lesbian people full access to the institution of civil

VI. Conclusion.
The district court properly granted summary judgment to plaintiffs.
Iowa Code section 595.2 violates the equal protection provision of the Iowa
Constitution. Our decision becomes effective upon issuance of
All justices concur.


Ruling takes effect in 21 days. Right wing to go apeshit well before then.

*Our complete Iowa roundup

*UPDATE: There will be rallies tonight, of course. So far we know of:

Across Iowa:

Ames Rally
Friday, April 03, 5:30 PM
ISU Campus next to the Hub
Contact Matt Skuya at 515.314.0213

Cedar Falls/Waterloo Rally
Friday, April 03, 3:00 PM
Univ. of N. Iowa Maucker Union, Cedar Falls
Contact Kaitlin Corbitz at 319.610.7155

Cedar Rapids Rally
Friday, April 03, 5:00 PM
People’s Church Unitarian Universalist
600 3rd Avenue SE, Cedar Rapids
Contact Andrea Jansa at 319.360.8072

Council Bluffs Rally
Friday, April 03, 5:30 PM
Playland Park
2 North 40th Street, Council Bluffs
Contact Matt Skuya at 515.314.0213

Des Moines Rally
Friday, April 03, 5:30 PM
Western Gateway Park
13th Street between Grand & Locust @ 5:30 pm
Contact the One Iowa Office at 515.288.4019

Decorah Rally
Saturday, April 04, 10:00 AM
Winneshiek County Courthouse
201 W. Main St., Decorah
Contact Amalia Vagts at 563.382.6277

Dubuque Rally
Friday, April 03, 5:30 PM
920 Main Street, Dubuque
Contact Tina Sio at 563.564.6316

Iowa City Rally
Friday, April 03, 5:30 PM
Univ. of Iowa Pentacrest
On Clinton Street and Iowa Avenue
Contact Matt Fender at 646.752.5932

Mason City Rally
Friday, April 03, 5:30 PM
Cerro Gordo County Courthouse
220 N. Washington Ave, Mason City
Contact Matt Skuya at 515.314.0213

Quad Cities Rally
Friday, April 03, 5:30 PM
Davenport Unitarian Church
3707 Eastern Avenue, Davenport
Contact Ryan Crane at 402.659.8110

Union Square (south side), 6:30-7:30pm

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Your thoughts

What a prefect way to start off a new day and the beginning of the weekend.

Posted by: Jeff Chang | Apr 3, 2009 10:03:49 AM

Agreed. And now, after 2 days of instability, the site seems to be back up and running!

Things are looking up on this rainy Friday!

Posted by: G-A-Y | Apr 3, 2009 10:13:13 AM

Are you being hacked!? Well anyway WAAAAA HOOO! or YEEEE HA! or whatever those darn stubborn sensible IOWANS are the top of the heap today... and maybe for always, would you read that sensible ruling. Unanimous... AFFIRMATION NEVER FELT SO GOOD!

I do hope our (CALI) justices (all of whom probably joined Glenn Becks 9-12 club) have on their adult diapers (as Colbert did) cuz they will be s**** over this!

Posted by: LOrion | Apr 3, 2009 10:41:43 AM

Go here and vote if you agree:


Posted by: LOrion | Apr 3, 2009 11:05:59 AM

Even better, the legislators are on our side too, and since voter referendums in Iowa require legislative approval, Massachusetts 2.0 baby.

Posted by: RainbowPhoenix | Apr 3, 2009 11:50:26 AM

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