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Liberty takes same with 'sexual orientation' definition
Add the Liberty Counsel to the list of folks willing to lie about what does and does not constitute a true sexual orientation:
The DSM IVR (Diagnostic and Statistical Manual used by psychologists and psychiatrists to diagnose mental disorders) lists more than 30 "sexual orientations" and "Gender Identity Disorders," including pedophilia. The hate crimes bill does not limit "sexual orientation" or "gender identity" and, thus, includes all these disorders and fetishes.
Mathew Staver, Founder of Liberty Counsel and Dean of Liberty University School of Law, commented: "Sexual orientation and gender identity include pedophilia and every imaginable deviant fetish. Cross-dressers and pedophiles find refuge in this so-called hate crimes bill, while veterans and grandmas are left to fend for themselves. Obviously, this bill is not about the prevention of crime but is all about pushing a radical sexual anarchy. This bill will crush free speech and trample free exercise of religion."
Hate Crimes Bill Protects Cross-Dressers and Pedophiles but Not Veterans or Grandmas [Standard Newswire]
Oh, LC. Don't you know Jesus is watching?
*Others who blatantly lie for the sake of political opportunism:
The Traditional Values Coalition
Congressman Steve King (R-IA)
Concerned Women For America
American Family Association
*What DSM-IV-TR actually has to say about these paraphilias, which are FULLY and CLEARLY separated from actual sexual orientations.
*What the American Psychological Association clearly says about sexual orientation:
Your thoughts
These guys don't ever take the time to do any independent research. When one of the lying liars says something, all of the others just continue quoting the original liar. That is one underhanded way of maintaining some level of plausible deniability. Oh, well, that "sounded" true, and I was just quoting a source that I "thought" was credible, so I didn't really "LIE" about it, I was just mistaken.
Because if these lying liars actually read the language that they supposedly "quote" from, rather than the language from the other lying liars, then they would know the truth... and the truth just isn't as politically expedient as the quote from the lying liar is.
Posted by: Dick Mills | Apr 29, 2009 3:02:16 PM
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