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Specious-Malicious intent: 'WorldNetDaily'/Karen England engage in dangerous deception
Back in November of '08, blogger Terrance Heath suggested that gay rights activists attending Prop 8 protests should use the slogan "You may not be gay, but you may be next." Contextually, this was Terrance's reasoning behind the slogan:
Remember that we used to live in a country where civil rights weren’t decided by majority vote. Remember that we used to live in a country whose founding documents cite “inallienable rights.” Remember that we may not be living in that country anymore, and even if your rights were not up for a vote this time around, they are almost certain on someone’s hit list.
You may not be gay, but you may be “next.”
Minorities Fear Prop 8 Precedent [The Republic of T]
So obviously, Terrance was intending for the slogan to mean that any one group could next be targeted by majority tyranny, so even non-LGBT folks should stand against the discrimination that is currently plaguing the LGBT community. And many folks took to the slogan, using it as their own mantra for not only Prop 8, but other gay rights fights as well.
Well fast forward to April of 2009. Karen England, a California anti-gay who was a vocal opponent of the pro-acceptance Day of Silence, is now using Terrance's slogan in a way in which it was NEVER intended. Karen i s implying that gay activists sent her this message as a way of saying that she may be next, as in on a hit list. This from WorldNetDaily:
Karen England, executive director of the Capital Resource Institute, told WND she has received the following messages by e-mail or by telephone:
* "My wish for you is that your children grow up to hate you."
* "The Pharisees are saving a seat in hell for you and yours."
* "You are bigots; your beliefs are off-the-scale whacko nonsense. People are sick and tired of religious bullying and harassment, and you had better expect people to stand up and say so."
WND reported when some of the earlier threats arrived because of the organization's participation in the "Day of Silence Walkout." England confirmed to WND she has filed a police report on the threats.
The walkout plan was developed among several dozen pro-family groups across the nation to respond to the "Day of Silence" pro-homosexual activism held each April in public schools. The event is supported by the Gay, Lesbian, and Straight Education Network.
"You may not be gay, but you may be next," said one earlier e-mail, which included a photograph of a casket.
'Gay' advocates attack those who don't support cause [WND]
Now, what they don't tell you is that the casket in this photo is that of Carl Walker-Hoover, the 11-year-old Atlanta boy who took his own life after suffering constant gay taunts. And, as mentioned, this slogan is a warning sign, as in "don't take your rights for granted," and not a warning sign as in "watch your back!" But instead of acknowledging these realities, England, and now WorldNetDaily, are deliberately, deceptively, and disgustingly using this as an "example" of gay intimidation.
Just look at WND's photo: This is not how England actually received it in her email. This conservative "news" outlet has deliberately mocked it up, with a truncated version of the mantra printed in a blood red font, in order to make it seem like the person who emailed England used this slogan in a threatening way. And again, there is not even a minor mention of the young victim, Car Walker-Hoover, anywhere in WND's article. Because apparently they see no need to concern themselves with a DEAD CHILD when there are grown anti-gay activists to "protect."
And they wonder why we warn others about being next? Hell, considering the unscrupulous and increasingly messed up methodology that they employ against us, we would be cold-hearted not to clue society in to how real and frightening a "pro-family" person's wrath can be!!
Your thoughts
UN-REAL is right. I can only shake my head.
Hopefully the antics of those WND loons -- and others so consumed with anti-gayness that they can't see or think straight -- will go down as well as the rantings of Westboro Baptist Church with the masses who CAN think straight.
Actually, consider it a prediction.
Posted by: Taylor Siluwé | Apr 23, 2009 11:19:51 AM
This is the same woman who reported two callers who said "I wish you'd just kill yourself" as a "death threat".
I know that at times folks on all sides of a political struggle will say things that are not strictly factually accurate.
But I marvel, I truly marvel, at the extent to which anti-gays will downright lie.
Posted by: Timothy | Apr 23, 2009 1:22:45 PM
The other part of the story has to be how raucous the spontaneous roar of laughter at the Police precinct was when they read those supposed "threats". I get comments like that every couple of days from my own family.. (maybe I should call the cops??) Not to mention that those same "threats" are shouted from just about every pulpit at least a couple of times every month.
But it does beg the question: Maybe the reason that the radical religious factions are worried about being prosecuted (persecuted) for incitement, is because when they (themselves) make these kinds of "threats", they fully intend for them to BE an incitement to violence?? If they can't SEE the distinction, then maybe in their minds there IS NO distinction.
Posted by: Dick Mills | Apr 23, 2009 1:44:41 PM
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